Dr. Ricardo Salido-Ruiz

Publicación Añosort ascending

Hofmanis, J., Ruiz, R. A. S., Caspary, O., Ranta, R., & Louis-Dorr, V. (2011, September). Extraction of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) source in SEEG using EMD and ICA. In 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 834-837). IEEE.

September, 2011

Ruiz, R. A. S., Ranta, R., & Louis-Dorr, V. (2011). EEG montage analysis in the blind source separation framework. Biomedical signal processing and control, 6(1), 77-84.

July, 2011

Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Ranta, R., Koessler, L., Louis-Dorr, V., & Maillard, L. (2010, October). Intracerebral Stimulation. Role of the supplementary motor area (SMA).

October, 2010

Koessler, L., Salido-Ruiz, R., Ranta, R., Louis-Dorr, V., Gavaret, M., & Maillard, L. (2010, August). Influence of source separation and montage on ictal source localization. In 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (pp. 2898-2901). IEEE.

August, 2010

Ranta, R., Salido-Ruiz, R., & Louis-Dorr, V. (2010, August). Reference estimation in EEG recordings. In 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (pp. 5371-5374). IEEE.

August, 2010

Ranta, R., Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Louis-Dorr, V., & Koessler, L. (2010, June). Reference estimation using blind source separation.

June, 2010

Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Ranta, R., & Louis-Dorr, V. (2009). EEG montage analysis in Blind Source Separation. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(12), 389-394.

April, 2009

Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Romo-Vázquez, R., Ranta, R., & Leija, L. (2008). Analisys of 5 source separation algorithms on simulated EEG signalsResearch in Computer Science/Special Issue in Electronics and Biomedical Informatics, Computer Science and Informatics35, 177-186.

May, 2008
